Who are we?
Christ United Methodist Church is part of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. We are located at 501 Wistar Road, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. Fairless Hills is located in Bristol Township, in lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania. We have three Sunday morning worship services: 8:15 am (traditional), 9:30 am (contemporary), and 11:00 am (traditional). Sunday School for all ages (including adults) occurs at 9:30 am.
As a United Methodist congregation our mission is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
The vision of how we see ourselves carrying this out is to “introduce people to Jesus Christ, to help them become faithful followers of Him, and to equip them to share His love with others.”
The Foundational Scripture on which our mission and vision is based comes from Jesus in a mandate referred to as the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20): “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
The values we hold in doing this, which guide the way we make decisions and the manner in which we go about the work of mission and ministry, are based on the marks of the Church in the Nicene Creed: ” “unity, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity.” Unity calls us to be “one in Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry,” as we pray as part of the communion liturgy. Holiness calls us to “be holy in all you do” (1 Peter 1:15), as the Apostle Peter reminds us in his letter. Catholicity calls us to remember that God the church is open to “people of all ages, nations, and races,” as we say in our baptismal liturgy. And Apostolicity calls us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), as Jesus declared in the Great Commission.
What does it mean to say we are a United Methodist congregation?
To say that we are United Methodist mean we are:
Our annual conference (which is a collection of hundreds of churches in the Eastern and South Central area of Pennsylvania) is overseen by a bishop who appoints pastors to congregations, and along with a cabinet of District Superintendents, guides the work of al the congregations in our area.
Our congregation partners with other United Methodist congregations, national church boards, and mission organizations in our district, conference, jurisdiction and in other conferences and areas around the world to be in mission for and with Jesus Christ.
Through our connectional partnerships, we support mission work in the United States, as well as almost every other country around the world, reaching out to people of almost every language and people group.
Our heritage flows from the lives and ministries of John and Charles Wesley, who were Anglican priests in 18th century England. Their understanding of what it means to be a Christian flows through our ministries, church structures, and our way of living as the people of God in our community.
We invite one and all to join us on the journey toward seeking, serving, and sharing God through worship, spiritual growth, fellowship, and mission involvement. Our goal is to introduce each and every person God sends our way to (in the words of a traditional hymn) the “amazing grace” of God in Jesus Christ, so that one day (in the words of a contemporary Christian song) “all the earth will sing his praises.”